Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks

The COVID-19 lockdown has taught me to reconnect with family and friends.
‘Not having time’ was an excuse for many things but COVID-19 heard millions of people's requests and gave us time. What we do during this time is our choice. 
When I recollect the discussion of many of my calls with friend’s family members and colleagues, the majority of them are concerned with their children's education and how to spend this time. When I asked one of my friends today morning about his son in the 8th grade in a slight tone of worry he replied "he is sleeping, no school, no homework no play so no need to get up early in the morning. He sounded helpless about guiding the child.
I was shocked for a moment thinking- Is the COVID virus making us lazy?
We, humans, find several reasons to be indolent, and given a chance majority of us will make use of it to the utmost capacity. Laziness will never lead us to success. There are many incidents and stories in our past history of how laziness always leads to failure.
One such Tibetan tale is about a hundred people starting on a journey to reach their destination halfway down fifty people looking at the distance ahead dropped out another forty-nine stopped their journey for good only one continued with commitment and reached his destination.
The situation we are in right now won't ever occur again in this lifetime. It is an opportunity for us to make use of this situation in the best possible way.  We need to reiterate this message to our kids and help them to optimize this situation by focussing on being more productive and creative.
Quoting Kahlil Gibran
There was once a poor farmer who lived in a village. While digging in his field, he found a beautiful silver statue.  He thought to himself, “what can I do with this statue as it is of no use to me. There is a rich man in town, who is an ascetic as well”. The farmer decided to sell it to the ascetic. He walked into the rich man’s house. When the ascetic saw the statue, he was attracted to it and asked for the price. The farmer quoted a price and sold it to him. The rich man was very happy.
On his way back home, the farmer laughed to himself and said “this rich man is crazy to buy that statue. It was buried in mud what will he do with it? Good, I sold it I can use this money to buy many useful things.
The rich man on the other side was thinking about the farmer, “he is such a moron who does not know the value of the statue and its beauty. He sold it for such a petty price. I was able to buy this valuable and beautiful statue. The farmer is really a fool”. 
The moral of the story is: how two people perceive the same opportunity differently. So, it is always our choice to use the situation to our advantage. Similarly, this COVID-19 is also an opportunity to be optimized. It is our responsibility to give meaning to it and use it diligently. 
No school and no homework doesn’t mean learning should stop and the learner will do nothing. ‘Boredom makes one creative’. Philosophers for time immemorial have  intuited this for centuries; Kierkegaard described boredom as a prequel to creation: "The gods were bored; therefore, they created human beings.”
The Psychoanalyst Martin Wangh described boredom as an “inhibition of fantasy”.A number of studies have indicated that those who are bored are more creative. author J.R.R. Tolkien created "The Hobbit" when he was a professor bored of grading papers.
Due to school, homework, assignment children kept aside their books which they had bought to read. But now it’s the right time to read those books. So this is the right time to fall into the habit of reading.  “Children who read will be adults who thinks” There's no place in the world where we don't see an adult with an electronic device in their hand. And since the example is a very powerful tool, we are transmitting this habit to our children, unconsciously. Therefore, starting from our own home, we should aim to mitigate that effect as much as possible, while reinstating the habit of reading and involving our children. As  Canadian communication thinker Marshall McLuhan in his book “Understanding media the extensions of Man” published in 1964 coined a phrase  The Medium is the message If parents start reading with children the medium becomes the message. Children are not allowed to play with friends outdoors, shouldn't stop them from exercising inside the house. If children are screen dependent on TV and smartphones it will damage their imagination and creativity.
Therefore let us all work towards the Medium becoming the message!
Madhusoodana Sunnambala

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Social Distance and Dyad Proximity- Madhusoodana Sunnambala

COVID- 19 is a crucible experience for the current generation and it is a good lesson for future generations as well. This pandemic has given an opportunity for everyone to introspect and connect with oneself.  Though a number of negative impacts are discussed about the lockdown and social distancing, I feel it brought many opportunities and positives to our life and personality.
Soon after the history online lesson, my daughter came to me to discuss the advantages of the first world war on medicine. In 8th grade, they are studying health and medicine under the concept of systems. Their Teacher gave a self-directed learning task in which she posted a question Was world war first is good for medicine? The teacher sent a documentary to watch and make points for the next class. I felt one of the apt topics to be discussed during this enforced social distance.  
She gave me a list of advantages of the world war on The health care and medical systems, This gives us reassurance, that even for the most devastating incidents in human history there are always key takeaways that must be appreciated.

Due to the negative perception of COVID-19 people are facing many challenges and this pandemic is affecting each one of us. From leading business to corporate, schools to families all are facing one or other issues as we all aware of it.
People, social media, prediction agencies are spreading news and several studies that claims the negative impact of COVID-19 which obviously affecting normal life and the mental health of the people.
Schools are shut, working from home, updating on new technology, starting a new schedule in life has created certain imbalances to the regular lifestyle.  
For this generation Corona is a crucible experience, history reminds us that crucible experiences had led to the rise of several opportunities and innovation.
Similarly, this pandemic will give rise to new perspectives in work, relationship, and attitude of people.   
There are several discussions on how this lockdown is affecting the relationship between couples and children. I would say lockdown made the relationship stronger. There is a simple reason for this, people are becoming less self-centered and more considerate they have a shared perception for a common goal, and such group dynamics leading collective cohesiveness. As uncertainty tear us apart the bond between people is becoming stronger.
Due to the anxiety, stress, insecurity, and worry from COVID-19, I think it has brought a relationship closer and stronger than before. This proximity brought a bond between partners, family, and children. There could be exceptions although the majority would have made it a little better than before. Due to the slow phase of life, family members are spending time together. Each member is getting time to rediscover themselves. As it is said isolation leads to reconnecting with oneself.
This enforced social distance has helped the family members to get time to do the house chores as there is no maid, no helper so all the household matters need to be looked after by themselves making them more interdependent which brings the relationships closer and stronger. Each one is connecting with their distant relatives having a video call and chat which again helps one to build a strong bond as communication is the sole of strengthens the relationship.  
Therefore this crucible experience has brought our relationship a bit more closure and people are becoming more altruistic. Life throws challenges it is we who decide to take it the way we want it.                                             Madhusoodana. Sunnambala